‘Look ‘Em In The Eye’ – Length 5:49
Ross Turnbull played Rugby for Australia. He organised many multi- million dollar deals. He was sacked as Chair of the NRMA. He went bankrupt. He moved from a well-to-do Sydney suburb to a hostel in Rozelle where he learnt more from the homeless and addicted than all the bankers he’d ever dealt with.
Sadly Ross passed away on 7th March 2015. May he rest in peace.
‘The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.’
– Bob Marley – Jamaican Musician

Sudden bankruptcy can spiral to homelessness very quickly.
The Exodus Foundation can offer assistance and advice through its Social Health & Wellbeing services and Crisis Intervention program.
Click here for Social Health & Wellbeing Services
Click here for the Crisis Intervention Program
Many other kind hearted organisations and Government bodies are also there to help. Links to just some are provided. They are offered in good will to simply assist you in starting your search. There are more organisations in all states which may suit your needs better.
Some other links to Info and Advice
Bankruptcy — Australian Financial Security Authority
Information about bankruptcy. Links to information about voluntary bankruptcy, involuntary bankruptcy, an overview of key bankruptcy topics explained in detail.
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