‘In Tune’ – Length 2:15
Jay is your upper class Woolloomooloo lady. She tends the community garden right next to where most of the homeless sleep. Both sides of the fence get on with their day without a problem in the world.
‘The single greatest lesson the garden teaches is that our relationship to the planet need not be zero-sum, and that as long as the sun still shines and people still can plan and plant, think and do, we can, if we bother to try, find ways to provide for ourselves without diminishing the world’
– Michael Pollan – The Omnivore’s Dilemma

There are many causes for someone becoming homeless.
The Exodus Foundation can offer assistance and advice through its Social Health & Wellbeing services and Crisis Intervention program.
Click here for Social Health & Wellbeing Services
Click here for the Crisis Intervention Program
Many other kind hearted organisations and Government bodies are also there to help. Links to just some are provided. They are offered in good will to simply assist you in starting your search. There are more organisations in all states which may suit your needs better.
Some other links to Info and Advice
Community Gardens – City of Sydney
Even if you don’t have the space or resources, you can still keep your green thumbs busy by getting involved with a community garden.
Australian City Farms & Community Gardens Network
Find out how to list your garden and make community gardening credible.