‘The People On The Wall’ – Length 05:06

This story was filmed at the last Exodus Christmas Day lunch but it’s really a story for any and all seasons about Bill’s true and unquestioning connection with the real people in need.

“Sometimes it’s easy to walk by because we know we can’t change someone’s whole life in a single afternoon. But what we fail to realize it that simple kindness can go a long way toward encouraging someone who is stuck in a desolate place.” 

– Mike Yankoski

We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes to remedy this kind of poverty.” 

– Mother Teresa


Exodus Foundation Logo

If someone you know is on the edge of homelessness the Exodus Foundation can offer assistance and advice through its Social Health & Wellbeing services and Crisis Intervention program.

Many other kind hearted organisations and Government bodies are also there to help. Links to just some are provided. They are offered in good will to simply assist you in starting your search. There are more organisations in all states which may suit your needs better.

Some other links to Info and Advice


Signs or substance abuse or addiction. Why people misuse substances. How substance abuse affects wellbeing.

For more information click here.

Shelter NSW

Shelter unites the voices of low-income tenants and non-profit organisations working on their behalf.

For more information click here.