About billcrewsorg2

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So far billcrewsorg2 has created 622 blog entries.

Episode 106 – Story 4

"A Chat With Les - 4" - Length 6:14 A life learnt from the inside - Segment 4. ‘We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty’’ Mother Theresa [...]

Episode 106 – Story 3

"A Chat With Les - 3"  Length 4:59 A life learnt from the inside - Segment 3 "When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist." Dom Helder Camara - Essential Writings [...]

Episode 106 – Story 2

"A Chat With Les - 2" - Length 9:25 A life learnt from the inside - Segment 2. "You can spend the money on new housing for poor people and the homeless, or you can spend it on a football stadium or a golf course.’" Jello Biafra MUSICIAN [...]

Episode 106 – Story 1

"A Chat With Les - 1" - Length 4:13 A life learnt from the inside - Segment 1. "In a child's eyes, a mother is a goddess. She can be glorious or terrible, benevolent or filled with wrath, but she commands love either way. I am convinced that this [...]

Episode 105 – Length 21:36

Stories From The Edge

Episode 105 – Story 4

"100 Not Out Screening" - Length 5:28 Here’s how the screening of 100 NOT OUT went. More about helping a mate in need than a mere opening night. ‘We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared [...]

Episode 105 – Story 3

"Channel 10 - 100 Not Out"  Length 6:53 Tristan from Studio 10 visits Loaves And Fishes ahead of Bill Crews Documentary. The recent screening of our documentary 100 NOT OUT gained a lot of publicity for the work we do. Here’s a segment on Channel 10. "When I give [...]

Episode 105 – Story 2

"Father Bob" - Length 3:08 We were all saddened by the recent passing of Melbourne’s Father Bob Macguire recently. It reminded me that he and I are indeed a dying breed. "You can spend the money on new housing for poor people and the homeless, or you can spend it [...]

Episode 105 – Story 1

"The Hub" - Length 4:19 Most of you are aware that we do a lot of work with disadvantaged children overseas. Here’s an update on our Bangkok facility, where the problem never seems to go away. "In a child's eyes, a mother is a goddess. She can be glorious or [...]

Epsiode 104 Length – 25:49

Stories From The Edge