About billcrewsorg2

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So far billcrewsorg2 has created 622 blog entries.

Episode 6 – Story 1

'One Child At A Time' - Length 06:23 Bill takes us to Gray Primary School in Palmerston in the Northern Territory. Being on the fringe of Darwin there are many indigenous kids at the school. Exodus, through the Bill Crews Charitable Trust have been running a highly successful literacy program there [...]

Episode 5 – Length 24:45

Stories From The Edge

Episode 5 – Story 5

'Who Sets The Bar' - Length 1:13 Michael Hercock has worked for churches and other bodies in the social services sector for years. He has some strong opinions about how that sector often lacks understanding of the people they’re trying to help. “There are good people who are dealt [...]

Episode 5 – Story 4

'On Life's Terms' - Length 4:04 Kevin was in a previous episode. He was homeless at age 14. He ran drugs. He robbed a bank. He was a heroin addict for 20 years. He’s lost many street friends to drugs. He stopped when his best mate overdosed. At 42, he’s now [...]

Episode 5 – Story 3

'Nobody Knows?' - Length 4:45 Osnat is a no holds barred kind of woman. The scars of a broken marriage led to her losing her job and home. She now lives in a small Bondi flat. It too is about to be taken away. She is now in a fight with the [...]

Episode 5 – Story 2

'Home Sweet Home' - Length 4:30 Russell lived on the streets after his long time partner suddenly ran off with their daughter. Depression set in. He thought of killing himself. He takes us to the hideaway where he lived: right in the heart of Sydney’s suburban Ashfield. “Home is a [...]

Episode 5 – Story 1

'Bye Bye Baby' - Length 6:47 Col Joye. Lovable and successful. But he feels deeply about old rock and roll mates who couldn’t handle the fall from fame and the black dog that followed. He also had his moment on the edge, when he fell out of a tree and lost [...]

Episode 4 – Length 25:29

Stories From The Edge

Episode 4 – Story 5

'The Dalai Lama at Exodus' - Length 5:33 This beautiful story is from the archives. In 2013 the Dalai Lama made a unique visit to the Exodus Foundation in Suburban Ashfield where he ate with the homeless. For Reverend Bill it was a special occasion, with much apprehension as to how [...]

Episode 4 – Story 4

'My Stint On Alcohol' - Length 4:52 Murray is an Exodus regular. He’s the heart and soul of the community. He defends the homeless and the disadvantaged. He’s a poet, a philosopher. He’s also an ex alcoholic who hasn’t been allowed to see his son for eighteen years. He has many [...]