About billcrewsorg2

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So far billcrewsorg2 has created 622 blog entries.

Episode 9 – Story 3

'It’s Not Meant To Be Easy' - Length 06:08 Kevin Simpson has featured in several earlier Episodes.  He really knows what it’s like to be homeless – and that ‘respect’ is very much a two way street. He’s not keen on people taking advantage of services that are there for those [...]

Episode 9 – Story 2

"I Did It"– Length 04:03 For Kimberley Broughton, a car accident led to chronic back pain and months of fighting the legal and medical system until she finally found relief thanks to Chronic Pain Australia and her own incredible drive to get better. “The trouble with chronic pain is [...]

Episode 9 – Story 1

"Let’s Be The Solution" – Length 08:03 Shane Phillips was brought up in The Block when it was notorious. He and others in the community decided to take responsibility and turn things around. Nowadays they teach that responsibility by taking boxing classes at dawn every morning in the National Centre of [...]

Episode 8 – Length 28:37

Stories From The Edge

Epidsode 8- Story 5

'But For The Grace of God' – Length 02:49 Like other professionals Dr Bob Woods has offered his free services to Exodus for many years. Like his patient Murray McFadyan, Dr Bob is part of the Exodus family. This story shows once again that the foundation is a lot more than [...]

Episode 8 – Story 4

'I Work With FatherBob' - Length 07:04 These days Mem River works for Father Bob Maguire helping Melbourne’s needy. That’s a long way from being a fighting street kid himself and heading for the edge of the underworld. “True individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence. People [...]

Episode 8- Story 3

'Stage Pain' – Length 05:15 Being a star of stage and screen Amanda Muggleton always needs to be on top of her game. Some years ago she faced her Edge; an injury which caused chronic back pain and threatened her long and colourful career. “As for the stage fright, it [...]

Episode 8 – Story 2

'Don't Pass Me by' - Length 04:39 Pastor Ray Minneicon and Micheal Hercock have worked with and for those living on the edge for most of their lives. Named after Ray’s beautiful song, this story confronts some hard issues, including bureaucratic waste. “We think sometimes that poverty is only [...]

Episode 8 – Story 1

'The Brightest Star In The Sky' – Length 06:47 Ross Fitzgerald is a renowned academic, author and advocate for those who are in recovery from any form of addiction. This story covers his life journey from the pits of alcohol abuse to the arms of Alcoholics Anonymous. “The mentality [...]

Episode 7- Length 25:49

Stories From The Edge