About billcrewsorg2

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So far billcrewsorg2 has created 622 blog entries.

Episode 30 Story 4

Tooth Fairies - Part 2 - Length 05:22 Good dental health certainly is the key to improving general wellbeing.  That’s why the Exodus dental service is so important. I told my dentist my teeth are going yellow. He told me to wear a brown tie.’ Rodney Dangerfield [...]

Episode 30 Story 3

Tooth Fairies - Part 1 - Length 04:47 There are many ways money donated to the Exodus Foundation can help the homeless and those in need. One key way is the dental service we now provide. "Happiness is your dentist telling you it won't hurt and then having him catch [...]

Episode 30 Story 2

Homeless Cats - Length 03:04 When you dig around in archives you can find some real treasures. This story is from a time when Homeless Cats were also part of the Exodus family. "Every animal has his or her story, his or her thoughts, daydreams, and interests. All feel joy [...]

Episode 30 Story 1

Train - Length 8:23 David Leah has lived on the Edge many times. For him, trains and railways became a metaphor for life itself. "The telling of stories, I have found to be a profoundly spiritual act.  They link us to our common humanity and lift us outside ourselves [...]

Episode 29 Length 25:45

Stories From The Edge

Episode 29 Story 4

Bill's Thoughts- Length 06:36 Bill’s reflections on serving God and those in need over the past 40 years. ‘The telling of stories, I have found to be a profoundly spiritual act.  They link us to our common humanity and lift us outside ourselves into a realm of new possibilities.’   [...]

Episode 29 Story 3

Blessing Of The Animals- Length 02:43 A story from the archives about the critters in our lives that bring us so much love. "Every animal has his or her story, his or her thoughts, daydreams, and interests. All feel joy and love, pain and fear, as we now know beyond [...]

Episode 29 Story 2

The Glen - Part 2 - Length 06:30 The Glen has many secrets to its success. In the end it’s simply about caring for others. “One small crack does not mean that you are broken, it means that you were put to the test and you didn’t fall apart.” Linda Poindexter [...]

Episode 29 Story 1

The Glen - Part 1 - Length 07:50 An amazing rehab centre on the NSW Central Coast, where they have been achieving incredible results for decades. “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” Albert Einstein Click here for [...]

Episode 28 Length 23:46

Stories From The Edge