About billcrewsorg2

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So far billcrewsorg2 has created 622 blog entries.

Episode 34 Story 4

'I Saw God That Night' – Length 02:51 Another  lovely short anecdote from Bill Crews. "The telling of stories, I have found to be a profoundly spiritual act.  They link us to our common humanity and lift us outside ourselves into a realm of new possibilities." Bill Crews [...]

Episode 34 Story 3

'Gifts In Kind' – Length 03:38 A short story on how Gifts In Kind to the Exodus Foundation help so many people in need. "Solutions will not be found while Indigenous people are treated as victims for whom someone else must find solutions." Malcolm Fraser If [...]

Episode 34 Story 2

'Eva Cox 2' – Length: 8:42 Bill Crews and feminist Eva Cox continue their discussion on the real issues related to domestic violence in Australia. "Grief can be the garden of compassion. If you keep your heart open through everything, your pain can become your greatest ally in your [...]

Episode 34 Story 1

Father Bob - The Depression - Length 6:15 Bill Crews and Father Bob Maguire discuss the real issues surrounding homelessness in Australia. In this chat Father Bob recalls the Great Depression. "Life and death are one thread, the same line viewed from different sides" Lao Tzu [...]

Episode 33 Length 23:35

Stories From The Edge

Episode 33 Story 4

The Graffiti Kid – Length 01:30 A lovely short anecdote from Bill Crews. "The telling of stories, I have found to be a profoundly spiritual act.  They link us to our common humanity and lift us outside ourselves into a realm of new possibilities." Bill Crews [...]

Episode 33 Story 3

Jake – Length 04:31 Jake did it tough but found a way through drug and alcohol addiction to recovery. "Solutions will not be found while Indigenous people are treated as victims for whom someone else must find solutions." Malcolm Fraser If someone you know is on [...]

Episode 33 Story 2

Eva Cox  – Length: 08:14 Bill Crews and feminist Eva Cox discus the real issues related to domestic violence in Australia. "Grief can be the garden of compassion. If you keep your heart open through everything, your pain can become your greatest ally in your life's search for love [...]

Episode 33 Story 1

Father Bob - Homelessness - Length 8:13 Bill Crews and Father Bob Maguire discuss the real issues surrounding homelessness in Australia. "Life and death are one thread, the same line viewed from different sides" Lao Tzu If someone you know is on the edge issues from [...]

Episode 32 Length 27:07

Stories From The Edge