About billcrewsorg2

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So far billcrewsorg2 has created 622 blog entries.

Episode 42 Story 4

Loving Kindness  - Length 00:42 A short and beautiful reflection from Bill Crews. "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us" Ralph Waldo Emerson If someone you know is on the edge issues from the past, the [...]

Episode 42 Story 3

I Enjoy It Too Much  – Length 04:43 Some homeless people are hard to love. That is our problem, not theirs. "If you go deeper and deeper into your own heart, you'll be living in a world with less fear, isolation and loneliness." Sharon Salzberg If [...]

Episode 42 Story 2

Problem or Genius - Part 3 - Length 06:19 The resolution of being a problem and a genius…..and homeless. "Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better." Albert Einstein If someone you know is on the edge issues from the past, the Exodus [...]

Episode 42 Story 1

The Edge - Part 1 - Length 08:41 Welcome to the first of our new discussion formal hosted by Summer Boag. "Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol or morphine or idealism." Carl Jung If someone you know is on [...]

Episode 41 Length 20:01

Stories From The Edge

Episode 41 Story 4

Truckies  - Length 2:27 When it comes to earning a living on the edge, long haul truckies have to be right up there.  Here’s a short ode to the great work they do right around Australia. "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to [...]

Episode 41 Story 3

Descendance - Length 05:11 Here’s the real edge of the new Australia; the Descendance Indigenous dance group performing in Sydney’s seething multicultural south west. "If you go deeper and deeper into your own heart, you'll be living in a world with less fear, isolation and loneliness." Sharon Salzberg [...]

Episode 41 Story 2

Jason - Length: 4:15 From a high flying advertising creative to ‘pissed in a pub’, to addiction then recovery. "Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better." Albert Einstein If someone you know is on the edge issues from the past, the Exodus [...]

Episode 41 Story 1

Problem or Genius -Part 2 - Length 5:56 Most of the troubles we have later in life stem from problems we had as a child. But maybe our criteria for making judgement is wrong. "Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol or morphine [...]

Episode 40 Length 20:15

Stories From The Edge