About billcrewsorg2

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So far billcrewsorg2 has created 622 blog entries.

Episode 44 Story 4

Gentle Roger  - Length 02:10 This kind, gentle man finds Recovery a breeze. "I avoid looking forward or backward, and try to keep looking upward.” Charlotte Brontë If someone you know is on the edge with issues from the past or present, the Exodus Foundation can offer [...]

Episode 44 Story 3

Doug and Les – Length 04:55 Some do Recovery tough. Some take it in their stride….like these two gents. "We have become Gabriel's nightmare and Satan's fantasy.” Osama Wazan If someone you know is on the edge with issues from the past or present, the Exodus [...]

Episode 44 Story 2

The Night Mayor - Part 2 - Length 06:27 The battle for somewhere to sleep in the heart of the city continues. "If you're going to kick authority in the teeth, you might as well use two feet.”  Keith Richards If someone you know is on the edge [...]

Episode 44 Story 1

The Edge - Part 3 - Length 08:07 Our new discussion format hosted by Summer Boag concludes. "I consider the homeless just as important as the richest of the rich.” Lauren Daigle If someone you know is on the edge with issues from the past or [...]

Episode 43 Length 23:31

Stories From The Edge

Episode 43 Story 4

The Problems In Kurdistan  - Length 03:58 This chat about Kurdistan was filmed some time ago. It’s as relevant now as then….because nothing’s changed. "We have become Gabriel's nightmare and Satan's fantasy.”  Osama Wazan If someone you know is on the edge issues from the past, the [...]

Episode 43 Story 3

Ross and Roger  – Length 04:27 Some do Recovery tough. Some take it in their stride….like these two gents. "If you go avoid looking forward or backward, and try to keep looking upward.” Charlotte Brontë If someone you know is on the edge issues from the past, [...]

Episode 43 Story 2

The Night Mayor - Part 1 - Length 05:54 The battle for somewhere to sleep in the heart of the city. "I consider the homeless just as important as the richest of the rich.”  Lauren Daigle If someone you know is on the edge issues from the past, [...]

Episode 43 Story 1

The Edge - Part 2 - Length 06:55 Our new discussion format hosted by Summer Boag continues. "If you're going to kick authority in the teeth, you might as well use two feet.”  Keith Richards If someone you know is on the edge issues from the [...]

Episode 42 Length 22:44

Stories From The Edge