About billcrewsorg2

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So far billcrewsorg2 has created 622 blog entries.

Episode 66 Story 4

"The Breakfast Club" - Length 6:12 In all our Literacy programs for young disadvantaged kids, there is nothing more exciting than Graduation Day. Here’s one we had at our local Ashfield Public School. ‘We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The [...]

Episode 66 Story 3

"Blues Point 1" -  Length 4:29 The Edge doesn’t occur just on the streets. It occurs in every corner of life, even in Sydney’s affluent North shore. "When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they [...]

Episode 66 Story 2

"Jese Comes Home" - Length 8:50 Bill used to take care of street kids here in the early days of Exodus. One of those kids was a handsome lad named Jese. After all these years Jese came home. "You can spend the money on new housing for poor [...]

Episode 66 Story 1

"Men Off The Leash" - Length 4:42 We have a High Tea for the ladies of our Exodus family. We thought it time to have a day for the fellas. Here’s how it went. "In a child's eyes, a mother is a goddess. She can be glorious or [...]

Episode 65 Length 23:59

Stories From The Edge

Episode 65 Story 4

"Join Me On The Journey" - Length 5:09 Bill’s impassioned plea to join him on the journey of loving compassion. ‘We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty’’ Mother [...]

Episode 65 Story 3

"Stop The Killing" -  Length 4:43 Bill attends a big rally in support of Kurdish dissidents. "When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist." Dom Helder Camara - Essential Writings [...]

Episode 65 Story 2

"A War of Compassion - Screening" - 7:59 The screening of A War of Compassion in a big city cinema was a great success. "You can spend the money on new housing for poor people and the homeless, or you can spend it on a football stadium or [...]

Episode 65 Story 1

"A War of Compassion Intro" - Length 4:29 A documentary on Bill Crews that took six years in the making. "In a child's eyes, a mother is a goddess. She can be glorious or terrible, benevolent or filled with wrath, but she commands love either way. I am convinced [...]

Episode 64 Length 21:46

Stories From The Edge