About billcrewsorg2

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So far billcrewsorg2 has created 622 blog entries.

Episode 68 – Story 4

"Rex Japarangka" - Length 4:02 Rex Japarangka is a proud elder from central Australia. Here he explains the intricate meanings of Skin Systems. ‘We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the [...]

Episode 68 – Story 3

"NAIDOC Day" -  Length 6:39 I’ve always had a strong connection and respect for our ‘first Australians’. They are indeed our brothers and sisters and at Exodus we’ve always been proud to share that bond. "When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I [...]

Episode 68 – Story 2

"Sydney Recovery Walk" - Length 5:14 Our Recovery Walks have been a lifeline for many people. They reach out to those who often feel very much alone. "You can spend the money on new housing for poor people and the homeless, or you can spend it on a [...]

Episode 68 – Story 1

"The Last Thirty Years" - Length 3:20 History, they say, goes in circles. Not in a straight line. If that is true, we are in for some good times ahead. "In a child's eyes, a mother is a goddess. She can be glorious or terrible, benevolent or filled [...]

Episode 67 Length 20:20

Stories From The Edge

Episode 67 Story 4

"The God of Loving Kindness" - Length 3:11 People from all sorts of religions come to help at my Exodus Foundation. Whatever they believe in, they are driven by the ‘God of Loving Kindness’. ‘We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. [...]

Episode 67 Story 3

"Comfort Women" -  Length 4:24 One of the many things we’re proud of in my Exodus Foundation is the platform we provide for those who have no voice. "When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, [...]

Episode 67 Story 1

"Bob Randall" - Length 4:42 Uncle Bob Randall. A wise elder from the heart of Australia. Enjoy his timeless wisdom. "In a child's eyes, a mother is a goddess. She can be glorious or terrible, benevolent or filled with wrath, but she commands love either way. I am [...]

Episode 67 Story 2

"Blues Point 2" - Length 5:41 Bill used to take care of street kids here in the early days of Exodus. One of Sydney’s affluent lower North shore. In colonial times, it was right on the edge of a growing, working class Australia. "You can spend the money [...]

Episode 66 Length 26:21

Stories From The Edge