‘She’ll Be Back’ – Length 4:57

Carol-Anne is a long time resident of Woolloomooloo who fights for the homeless. She knows the people, the stats, the rorts and the injustices. She’s devoted her life to helping her less fortunate neighbours.

“It is amazing that people who think we cannot afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, and medication somehow think that we can afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, medication and a government bureaucracy to administer it” 

– Thomas Sowell –American economist

Exodus Foundation Logo

Many people never thought they’d end up being homeless. If someone you know is on that edge the Exodus Foundation can offer assistance and advice through its Social Health & Wellbeing services and Crisis Intervention program.

Many other kind hearted organisations and Government bodies are also there to help. Links to just some are provided. They are offered in good will to simply assist you in starting your search. There are more organisations in all states which may suit your needs better.

Some other links to Info and Advice

Rent assistance – Department of Social Services

Rent Assistance is a non-taxable income supplement paid to eligible people who rent in the private rental market.

Click here for more information

Private Rental Assistance Overview – Housing Pathways

Private Rental Assistance provides financial assistance for eligible clients to help them set up or maintain a tenancy in the private rental market.

Click here for more information

Housing NSW – Housing NSW

Housing NSW, an agency of the NSW Department of Family and Community Services (FACS) is one of the largest providers of social housing in the world.

Click here for more information